Himanshu Jangid

Hello There!

I am Himanshu Jangid, The Founder of VCF

Welcome to Vedik Logs, My Personal Website for Portfolio, Blogs and Podcasts.

About Me

Diligent web developer and software engineer with over 2 years of experience. Eager to get new opportunities and work on large scale projects. Skilled in developing plans, managing projects, and code documentation. currently working on NodeJS and React.

More About Me😁

I like to explore and research new subjects. My hobbies are dancing, listening, and making music. I put experience above knowledge.


Skills that I have acquired over the years.

I started my journey in programming with C# and made a lot of Console Applications and Games using Unity Game Engine to learn the basic concepts. Then I started learning HTML, CSS and PHP while I was not aware of Javascript but indirectly using it. I just had some rough idea about it because I was using JQuery along with PHP. I worked on many projects with PHP, Learned MySql database, Webhosting, CPanel, Domain Registration, and much more. Then I finally started using Javascript and I liked it so much that I made it my main programming language that I use daily. I have been working on ReactJS, NodeJS, Angular, NextJS, and many more Javascript frameworks and platforms. Since then I have been working on many web projects and have been learning new things. I and also working with some extra skills like React Native, Python, Git, C, Firebase, MongoDB, Computer Graphics, Operating Systems etc.

Here is the list of my skills.

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • PHP

  • HTML & CSS

  • Python

  • C/C++

Along with these technologies I use some softwares, platforms and frameworks like -

ReactJS, NodeJS, Angular, NextJS for web development, QT and dotnet for Desktop Applications, Apache2 for Server Side Applications, MySQL, MongoDB, Firestore for Database, Git, Github for version control, VSCode, Atom, Vim etc for code editing, Linux and Windows for Operating Systems.


How would you know that I am good at what I do? The best way is to see my "Experience"

Full Stack Web Developer

Wisflux Tech Labs (Current)
Working on Technologies like React, NestJs, TypeScript, ChakraUI and solving Real World Problems

Web Developer

LetsGrowMore | Sept-2021 - Oct-2021
Developed React JS and PHP web applications Educational Institutions' administers.

Web Developer

The Sparks Foundation | Aug-2021 - Sept-2021
Worked on REST APIs using NodeJS and MongoDB. Payment Integration, Banking and Security.

Web Developer

Trible Connect: Connecting Our Roots | June-2021 - Aug-2021
Worked with a small team as a full stack Web Developer and Project Manager. Designed the UI and deployed the project within the decided timeline.

This is just about my professional experience that I have certificates of. Apart from these I have worked on a big number of personal projects and Also participated in many hackathons. You can check some of them on my Github


Download my "Resume"

I live somewhere in India. In Jaipur, Rajasthan to be more presice. Well, not fully presice, but I am sure you will find me there.